Choosing a domestic staffing can be the most demanding task, having in mind the sensitivity of the industry and the risks involved. Here are consider several critical points you may follow in order to find your perfect nanny, maid, house-keeper or a butler.
Ethnicity ~ It is of essence for us to know the cultural preferences you wish to nurture within your home.
Nanny or a Governess ~ There is a slight difference between the two professions but choosing which one will work best for your needs depends on your own preferences, lifestyle and needs.
Education & Background ~ It is of an essence to understand the education and background are essential for a domestic helper, nanny or maid that will be spending many hours with the kids without a direct supervision.
Live-In or Live-Out ~ In a first glance seems a simple decision, but indeed affects the whole process. Carefully weigh the pros and cons prior to choosing whether your personnel will live in our out of your home.
Attitude ~ Positive, vivid, caring and well-mannered are crucial factors to finding the person who fits in with your family.
Philosophy ~ Creating a oneness in your family is key. Disclosing your philosophy allows us to match you with someone who is like-minded.
Religion ~ We respect your choice to hire someone who comes from the same beliefs system and understands clothing requirements. From wearing heyab to having own time for prayers; telling us your religious preferences helps us narrow our list of candidates to those with similarities that match your own.
Lifestyle ~ Nowadays, health, sports and promoting positive habits might be a parental role, although a domestic helper or a nanny that does an emphasis on those might be just the right one for you.
Supervision ~ In a case when one is a ‘non-working mommy,’ will be present for more supervision than those whose who work outside of the home or travel frequently.
Age ~ Youth vs. experience, as they say. Age is not a number or the oldness but the dawn of the wisdom and loving the life.
Social ~ Some clients are naturally extrovert. They host parties, dinner gatherings and cook barbeque for the neighbours; in that case, we should consider a candidate that has an understanding of social etiquette and knows how to host, prepare a meal or set the table correctly.
Traveling ~ Whilst some are more sedentary, others require extensive traveling and living in multiple homes. Knowing this in advance will help you find the person who’s right for you.
Hope this will help you to find your amazing domestic helper and you will enjoy a wonderfully enjoyable domestic experience!