If you live in the UAE and you’re in search of quality staff to help you with your household duties, taking care of your children or any other domestic requirements, then you’re going to need to find the right agency to assist you. While it is possible to hire independently, it’s a lot of work and finding the perfect candidate might take far longer than you’re able to dedicate to the search – that and there’s no guarantee that the individuals that you hire will uphold their duties to the highest standard.
If you want to find the right staff who will definitely go above and beyond when serving you and your family, then here are a few tips on what you’re going to have to do:
Find a Reputable Staffing Agency
Reputation is arguably one of the most important factors when searching for a domestic staffing agency, especially when it comes to hiring people that you’re going to allow into your home. You need to seek out the very best, well-established agencies who have a great reputation for delivering the best quality staff. When it comes to you, your family and your home, you should accept nothing short of perfection.
Compare and Evaluate
There’s no sense in rushing in immediately with the first staffing agency that you come across. Though in any case, it is always worthwhile comparing various staffing agencies, looking at the different pros and cons and then ultimately feeling out which one is best suited to handle your requirements. You can engage with these agencies by calling up for more information – you’ll be able to get a clearer sense of the calibre that you’re dealing with by the way in which they handle your enquiries.
Seek Referrals Where Possible
A brilliant way of finding a truly reliable and reputable staffing agency is by asking around with your friends and family to get a feel for who they have had experience with. Of course, in this case you must be clear on what it is exactly that you require the staffing agency for. If your friend hired a nanny from them 5 years ago and you’re looking for a host of household staff, a different specialised agency might be more appropriate – Though, again, referrals are a great way of picking up some new names you might not have already considered.
Ask the Right Questions
When you have shortlisted a few that you’re quite confident with, ask the following questions:
- What is their reputation like both online and via word of mouth?
- What was your first impression when you called them up with an initial enquiry?
- What sort of standards do they claim adhere to? What evidence do they have to back these claims up?
- What kind of training do they put their staff through?
- Is there a confidentiality agreement? (after all your privacy is paramount)
- How will the agency assist me when it comes to the legalities regarding hiring foreign nationals etc?
After asking these questions, it won’t take long before you can truly separate the prestige domestic staffing agency from the substandard. Just remember to remain vigilant in your search and settle for only the very best. If you roll with a substandard agency, their staff are going to carry the same quality.